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  • Innovative Thinking Stymied by Unspoken Boundaries

    Are you aware of the unspoken boundaries you create around your stated desire for innovative thinking?I received an RFP for an organization hoping to stimulate holistic thinking among their employees. They were interested in holistic thinkers who could see beyond the obvious. People who could detect patterns for new insights.  As I read their request, I saw they were unaware of the unspoken boundaries even this

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    Gwen Kinsey
  • Change Management Tools Include Teachable Moments

    Do your managers look for teachable moments in their day to day managerial experiences? Here are examples of what I mean by teachable moments: The same problem shows up…the details vary, but the underlying problem is there. Someone who is well intentioned fails to anticipate the impact of their actions which results in conflict. Context is missing and that results

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    Gwen Kinsey
  • Jumpstart your Transformational Leadership Style

    Time for spring’s new growth. Are you seeing the seeds of digital disruption sprouting everywhere? Scary? It really is if you’ve done nothing to cultivate your preparedness. Ripped from my twitter feed in the first three minutes of my day today…Dave Evans @DaveTheFuturist tweeted  a BBC story about how the LA Times was the first to post info about a recent

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    Gwen Kinsey
  • Practice Your Conflict Management Skills

    What is workplace conflict costing you in turn over, poor customer service and/or missed opportunities? I recently did seminars on poor multi-generational communication, bullying, and a non-respectful workplace for three different large companies. Each of these companies spends tons of money and resources on job training. These “symptoms” grow out of a similar root problem… little to no investment in soft skills development

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    Gwen Kinsey
  • Organizational Performance: Mining Generational Differences

    Imagine yourself in this scenario: You are blindfolded and led into the center of a large, well lit room. You are placed in a three sided stall and locked in place. Your blindfold is removed and replaced with blinders that allow you to see what is directly in front of you but robs you of peripheral vision and the ability

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    Gwen Kinsey