- October 2, 2013
Managing Culture Change is Heavy Lifting
Read moreManagement 101:common sense dictates that leaders model the right values. Managing culture change is heavy lifting made even more difficult when leaders aren’t actively modeling transformational behavior and innovative thinking. If you search the phrase “leaders modeling values”, you get MILLIONs of hits. This well researched, foundational concept is pervasive in business publications, leadership literature and coursework…so why don’t more leaders have
00 - August 29, 2013
Transformational Leadership Style: Wear Some New Hats
Read moreComplex solutions and innovation depend on disparate factors and cooperation from competing camps. That’s not an easy tension to balance. Especially when organizations tie their value to being experts in efficiency–in a reductionist context. We LOVE reducing things to their simplest essence. Reductionism is more manageable for command and control styles of leadership. A transformational leadership style benefits from assuming new leadership hats
- August 16, 2013
Raising the Bar on Organizational Change Management
Read moreChange management strategy is often directed at improving operational efficiency. But what else is needed to keep up with constant disruptive change? Who we are and how we behave is being fundamentally changed by our tools and complexity in the environments we are living and working in. We talk about organizational change to effectively meet these new challenges… we also need to re-imagine
- July 12, 2013
Why Change Management Strategies Fail
Read moreYou were looking forward to a better future. Your strategy was flawless. The opportunity and benefits were apparent. So why didn’t your team just continue to make the darn changes? I lifted this question from a LinkedIn discussion about challenges during change initiatives: Q: What are the necessary actions that compel direct reports to think differently? Wouldn’t it be convenient
- June 20, 2013
Conflict Management Skills: Building Trust
Read moreA colleague told me about her decision to leave a company because of the serious problems “the office” faced during her time there. The very like-able and affable CEO wouldn’t face conflict. His conflict management skills were almost non-existent. The CEO avoided navigating tough situations and didn’t like settling disagreements when the inevitable competing perspectives came to an impasse. This is