How to Make Better Decisions
What ingredients make for better decisions? No question good analytics contribute. But, sometime, the algorithmic fringe holds a key...
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Stop Limiting Yourself: 6 Steps Toward New Solutions
Hitting the wall? Having trouble finding new solutions? I have a suspicion you’re not aware of how frequently you...
What the Heck is Social Capital and Why Would you Want Any?
What do I mean by social capital? Think of it as soft rewards that accrue from being tightly interconnected in mutually beneficial relationships. People who...
Use Better Questions Like These for Innovation Thinking
Accelerating change means adapt and innovate or become irrelevant. Without innovation thinking and a willingness to try new things, you won’t survive. Innovation requires...
Innovative Thinking Stymied by Unspoken Boundaries
Are you aware of the unspoken boundaries you create around your stated desire for innovative thinking?I received an RFP for...